CLI Reference
This document serves as a reference to the Medusa CLI tool including how to install it and what commands are available.
The Medusa CLI serves as a tool that allows you to perform important commands while developing with Medusa.
To use Medusa, it is required to install the CLI tool as it is used to create a new Medusa backend.
How to Install CLI Tool
In your Medusa backend's directory, you can use the Medusa CLI tool using NPX. For example:
Alternatively, you can install the CLI tool globally:
Name | Description | Default |
backend_name | The name of the Medusa backend. It will be used as the name of the directory created. | If not provided, you’ll be prompted to enter it. |
starter_url | The URL of the starter to create the backend from. | The default starter is used. |
Name | Description |
-y , --useDefaults | If the flag is set the command will not interactively collect database credentials. |
--skip-db | If the flag is set the command will not attempt to complete the database setup. |
--skip-migrations | If the flag is set the command will not attempt to complete the database migration. |
--skip-env | If the flag is set the command will not attempt to populate .env. |
--db-user <user> | The database user to use for database setup and migrations. |
--db-database <database> | The database used for database setup and migrations. |
--db-pass <password> | The database password to use for database setup and migrations. |
--db-port <port> | The database port to use for database setup and migrations. |
--db-host <host> | The database host to use for database setup and migrations. |
Start development backend. This command watches files for any changes to rebuild the files and restart the backend.
Name | Description |
-H <host> , --host <host> | Set host. Defaults to localhost . |
-p <port> , --port <port> | Set port. Defaults to 9000 . |
Start backend in production.
Name | Description |
-H <host> , --host <host> | Set host. Defaults to localhost . |
-p <port> , --port <port> | Set port. Defaults to 9000 . |
Perform migration actions to reflect changes on the database, such as running or reverting migrations.
Name | Description | Default |
action | The action to perform. Values can be run , show , or revert . run is used to run the migrations; show is used to only show what migrations are available to run; and revert is to undo the last migration. | This argument is required and does not have a default value. |
Migrates and populates the database with the provided file.
Name | Description |
-f=<file_path> , --seed-file=<file_path> | Path to the file where the seed is defined. (required) |
-m , --migrate | Flag to indicate if migrations should be run prior to seeding the database. Default is true. |
Creates a new admin user.
Name | Description |
-e <email> , --email <email> | The email to create a user with. (required) |
-p <password> , --password <password> | The password to use with the user. If not included, the user will not have a password. |
-i <id> , --id <id> | The user’s ID. By default it is automatically generated. |
--invite | Whether to create an invite instead of a user. When using this option, you don't need to specify a password. If ran successfully, you'll receive the invite token in the output. |
Starts the Medusa backend in cluster mode. Running in cluster mode will likely significantly improve performance as the workload and tasks are distributed among all available instances instead of a single one.
Name | Description |
-c <number> , --cpus <number> | The number of CPUs that Medusa can consume. By default, Medusa will try to consume all CPUs in cluster mode if this option isn't specified. |
-H <host> , --host <host> | Set host. Defaults to localhost . |
-p <port> , --port <port> | Set port. Defaults to 9000 . |
Enable or disable the collection of anonymous data usage. If no option is provided, the command will enable the collection of anonymous data usage.
Name | Description |
--enable | Enable telemetry (default) |
--disable | Disable telemetry |